The HPRS partners are fully committed to elaborating affordable, sustainable and environmental friendly solutions, in compliance with the EU2020 roadmaps.
The LIFE-HPRS partners are fully committed to raising public and technical awareness towards sustainable and eco-friendly solutions, and are aware of the potentiality of the replication of such sustainable solutions within the European and global markets.
The HPRS partners are constantly involved in applied research activities in order to develop novel, sustainable and eco-friendly solutions.
The present project is the result of such research activities, which HPRS partners consider mature for a demonstration at the pre-industrial scale and future full scale production. The demonstration activities conducted by the HPRS partners will be the object of an intensive dissemination campaign. By the end of the project and afterwards, the EU citizens will benefit from a greater awareness with respect to the importance of energy efficiency in Europe and the need to reduce harmful chemicals in wood based products (considering in particular that a large amount of wood based products are used in everyday life).
Enhanced public awareness also means greater pressure on policy makers and on the industry to seek stricter, eco-friendly solutions and greater competitiveness.

From the project partners’ point of view, there are several social-economic impacts related to the application and implementation of the proposed demonstration project:

  • IMAL, in conjunction with COLOMER, will make the appropriate and necessary capital investment in engineering, manufacturing and logistics to successfully commercialize this technology. New jobs will be created in those areas.
  • To successfully launch products with this technology and gain clients and consumers’ approval, the HPRS partners will invest in significant advertising, training, communication and PR activities.
  • For CEPRA/ACIMALL, to increase the visibility of the role of the associations in spreading green innovation in the woodworking machinery sector with the ultimate target of creating new qualified jobs in the sector. CEPRA’s main mission is to promote Italian industry abroad. CEPRA will be involved in disseminating the project achievement both in Italy and the EU by using its extensive network of contacts and by organizing events in Italy.
  • IMAL and XILOPANTEC will focus on establishing new collaborations with academic and industrial players to further develop the project solutions. 
  • XILOPANTEC is a well-structured production reality, extremely suitable for the introduction of sustainable systems. A first PB pilot line will be set up internally, in order to conduct laboratory tests. Since XILOPANTEC has been producing PB panels (TRC) for many years, it has the know-how and expertise necessary for the application of the HPRS technology and to improve the industrial process.
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