aimThe LIFE-HPRS project aims at demonstrating  a novel technology in the engineered wood sector, with the design of an innovative system for blending processes, which will permit a consistent reduction in the emission of formaldehyde-based toxic chemicals (10%) and a 15% reduction in energy consumption in the blending process,  plus an additional 5% energy saving in the MDF drying process. Consequently the HPRS will lead to a significant reduction in the carbon foot-print related to the production of wood-based panels in the entire EU area and globally, where previous estimates are becoming more and more significant.

The  aim of the LIFE-HPRS project is to:

  • Design and construct a fully operational pilot line, where all energy consumption and safety tests compliant with European and national laws have been successfully performed.
  • Manufacture 3 batches of 500m3 of wood panel prototypes, which will be tested according to the ISO 14040:2006 and 14044:2006 standards.

 The  LIFE-HPRS project aims at demonstrating a technology which will significantly reduce resin addition rates and enhance energy efficiency in relation to the manufacture of engineered wood panels.

Technical objectives:

  • To demonstrate the environmental, economic and technical benefits achieved with the introduction of new mechanical technologies for sprayer nozzles and blending power, capable of distributing the resin particles in a more efficient manner with respect to current blending technologies on the market.
  • To demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the entire production process and quality of final products with respect to state-of-the art technologies.

Environmental objectives:

  • To achieve a drastic reduction in the amount of resin utilized in the panel production industry by demonstrating that an EW panel production line can save up to 10% in resin for  each m³ of panel.
  • To demonstrate a relevant reduction in energy consumption in the blending and drying process by using an injection system that carries out a preliminary blend of the wood and   resin particles before the traditional blender comes into operation
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